順芯編解碼芯片雙路AD/DA ES8388 is a high performance, low power and low cost audio CODEC. It consists of 2-ch ADC, 2-ch DAC, microphone amplifier, headphone amplifier, digital sound effects, and analog mixing and gain functions.
The device uses advanced multi-bit delta-sigma modulation technique to convert data between digital and analog. The multi-bit delta-sigma modulators make the device with low sensitivity to clock jitter and low out of band noise.
? 24-bit, 8 kHz to 96 kHz sampling frequency
? 95 dB dynamic range, 95 dB signal to noise ratio, -85 dB THD+N
? Stereo or mono microphone interface with microphone amplifier
? Auto level control and noise gate
? 2-to-1 analog input selection
? Various analog input mixing and gains
? 24-bit, 8 kHz to 96 kHz sampling frequency
? 96 dB dynamic range, 96 dB signal to noise ratio, -83 dB THD+N
? 40 mW headphone amplifier, pop noise free
? Headphone capless mode
? Stereo enhancement
? Bass and Treble
? Various analog output mixing and gains
Low Power
? 1.8V to 3.3V operation
? 7 mW playback; 16 mW playback and record
? I2C or SPI uC interface
? 256Fs, 384Fs, USB 12 MHz or 24 MHz
? Master or slave serial port
? I2S, Left Justified, DSP/PCM Mode