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BAD56系列隔爆型防爆燈 適用范圍 Applicalion 1區(qū)、2區(qū)危險場所。 II A 、II B 類爆炸性氣體環(huán)境。 可配裝白熾燈、汞燈、高壓鈉燈、金鹵燈。 可按用戶要求配裝燈傘。 Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA, IIB groups explosive atmosphere. Equipped with inacandescent lamp,mercury vapor lamp, high-pressure sodium vapor lamp, metal halide lamp. Can match with lamp cover according to user’s requirement. 產(chǎn)品特點 Featues 鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑 壓鑄成型,結構緊湊,外形美觀。 采用活節(jié)螺栓緊固,能快速向上開啟,便于維修。 鋼管布線。 符合GB3836-2000.IEC60079標準要求. Diecasted aluminium alloy shell with Pressure-casted formation,compact structure and aestheticappearance. Suspension type thumb nut is used for fastening so that it can be quickly opened up sand downward is conventient for maintenance. Suitable for steelpipe. Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. 外形及安裝舉例 Outline and mounting example 吸頂式(X)Ceiling 壁式安裝30oBracker30o 吊桿式(g)Pendant 吸頂式(x) Ceiling 吊桿式(g) Pendant 外型及安裝舉例 Outline and mounting example 壁式安裝90度(b2) Bracket90C 壁式安裝30度(b1) Bracket30C 壁式安裝90度(b2) Bracket90C 序號No. 名稱Name 序號No. 名稱No. 1 燈具 Lamp 6 接線盒 Junction box 2 活接頭 Active connection 7 300 彎管300Bend pipe 3 CC型索具螺旋轉扣CC type rigging screw 8 直管 Pipe 4 鏈條 Chain 9 900彎管 900Bend pipe 5 膨脹螺釘 Expand bolt 10 鎮(zhèn)流器Ballast 注:所有燈具出廠時均不配光源,如果需要請注明. Notice:All lamps are not equipped with bulb when ex-factory,pleasse note need.
“供應BAD56系列隔爆型防爆燈 ”信息由發(fā)布人自行提供,其真實性、合法性由發(fā)布人負責。交易匯款需謹慎,請注意調查核實。