SC04 溫濕度傳感器模塊 抽濕機濕度傳感器、加濕機濕度傳感器
? Description溫濕度傳感器是指能夠直接將溫度和濕度兩個基本的物理信號直接轉化為電信號的裝置。 我們公司能夠提供從溫濕度傳感元件到溫濕度傳感模塊、溫濕度傳感器等一系列產(chǎn)品;能夠為客戶提供的溫濕度測量的解決方案;
? The SC04 is a digital relative humidity and temperature sensor. This monolithic CMOS IC integrates temperature and humidity sensor elements, an analog-to-digital converter, signal processing, calibration data, and an I2C host interface. The patented use of industry-standard, low-K polymeric dielectrics for sensing humidity enables the construction of a low-power, monolithic CMOS sensor IC with low drift and hysteresis and excellent long term stability.
Both the temperature and humidity sensors are factory-calibrated and the calibration data is stored in the on-chip non-volatile memory. This ensures that the sensors are fully interchangeable, with no recalibration or software changes required.
Relative Humidity Sensor
.± 4.5 % RH (maximum @ 20–80% RH)
Temperature Sensor
.±0.5 oC accuracy (typical)
.±1 oC accuracy (maximum @ 0 to 70 °C)
0 to RH operating range
–40 to 85 oC (GM) or 0 to 70 oC
operating range (FM)
Wide operating voltage range (2.1 to 3.6 V)
Low Power Consumption
.240 μA during RH conversion
I2C host interface
Integrated on-chip heater
Excellent long term stability
Factory calibrated
Optional factory-installed cover
.Protection during reflow
.Excludes liquids and particulates (hydrophobic/oleophobic)
.Industrial HVAC/R
.Respiratory therapy
.White goods
.Micro-environments/data centers
.Automotive climate control and de-fogging
.Asset and goods tracking
溫濕度傳感器模塊 抽濕機濕度傳感器、加濕機濕度傳感器溫濕度傳感器模塊 抽濕機濕度傳感器、加濕機濕度傳感器溫濕度傳感器模塊 抽濕機濕度傳感器、加濕機濕度傳感器溫濕度傳感器模塊 抽濕機濕度傳感器、加濕機濕度傳感器溫濕度傳感器模塊 抽濕機濕度傳感器、加濕機濕度傳感器溫濕度傳感器模塊 抽濕機濕度傳感器、加濕機濕度傳感器